Make sure to check out the very bottom of this post!! Thanks for reading!
To apply: Please fill out this form: Coach Opportunity
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As college freshmen or college graduate, we all have the same beautiful privilege of collecting wonderful student loans. So when we finally graduate, receive a job (that might not even be in the field you are interested in) we can start to pay off our hefty bills. Imagine there being a alternative universe where you would be able to build the life you only dreamed of, while becoming apart of something that makes you and those around you happier, better and stronger. With that being said I want to share a plan/goal of mine publicly. I hope that it may inspire you to think about your future, think about your dreams and begin to create a life that excites you.
They say that if you publicly announce a goal, then it makes it more "real" so here is my goal:
It is crazzyyyy to me (and I have had some people actually laugh at my goal) but that is okay. I was given the opportunity to become a Beachbody coach in 2012. I graduated with my Bachelors degree in May 2013. Leaving college with $15,000+ in student loans and a peace of mind that I don't have to feel suffocated with the pressure of enormous amounts of debt because of the choice I made during the busiest time in my life (school full time and work part time).
When you can build something that is fundamentally created on helping others succeed in their fitness, health and financial goals- you aren't working, instead you are living and better yet, enjoying life. Beachbody coaching has blessed me with the ability to work from home and still pay all of my bills. I am looking forward to starting a 9-5 job and having the ability to start paying off all of my student loan debt with JUST my Beachbody paychecks.
There are opportunities all around us and if we open our eyes and our hearts to certain opportunities, they can change the entire construction of our life. You just have to be open to the idea that you don't HAVE to be a slave to your debt and you have all of the power in the world to begin creating a life that you are proud of.
Let me ask some weird questions:
If you were offered a job, helping people become happier during your free time, would you consider?
If you had the ability to pursue your dreams of vacationing in Thailand or Paris, would you?
If you were able to make a difference in someone's life by simply encouraging them, would you?
If you could create a life where you can stay at home with your children, would you?
If you could be debt free with no restrictions in two years [or less], would you want that?
If you answered YES to any of these questions-
please continue reading!
please continue reading!
When I really THINK about my future, the idea of having debt hang over my head for the rest of my life, isn't something that I want. I would like to invite you to a free, no pressure informational group/call that starts this monday.
We will talk about:
- What coaching is
- How coaching works
- How to earn money
- How to make a difference in the lives of others
- How to get started
To apply: Please fill out this form: Coach Opportunity
Please email me with any questions/concerns!
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