Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dating a fly tyer ;)

I have been dating +Steeliebros FlyCO  {Jake} for a while....like a whilllleeeee. And although I love every single minute with him {{It is true, he rarely annoys me. #oddIknow }} There are a few things that I struggle with. Most....scratch that.. all of these "problems" stem from his hobby & business of tying flies for fly fishing! You can see what he does @ Www.SteelieBrosFlyCo.com
<< They are UH-MAZING. So check it out.

 Let us begin. 

  1. The word Tyer... is very weird. I delayed posting this post because I don't want to embarrass myself. So if you are a pro- spelling bee champ, don't judge me. But seriously;  Tier or Tyer #TheStruggle
  2. Even though he ties flies, my fly box is rarely filled up. He always tells me to learn how to tie... but he is so much better at it than me..
       Men who might be reading this: Best gift to give to your lady is a box FILLED with Flies. Especially if you are interested in her fishing with you. #Yourwelcome
  3. There are feathers.....EVERYWHERE. I sometimes feel like I am at a super cliche birthday party, where they get in a pillow fight and the pillows break and feathers go flying EVERYWHERE. Minus the fact that we never have pillow fights like a bunch of teenage girls. Instead, there are just fancy colored feathers lurking everywhere in the house.
           >>>See the photo above<<<
  4. The consent quizzing of flies. Which fly is which? [Most questions I some how still can't answer properly.. which is weird because I should know them!]
  5. There is the consent threat of HOOKS....everywhere. On the floor in the kitchen, somewhere in the living room... but mostly the dangers of walking barefoot in his office. It is like walking in a field with landmines everywhere. You are bound to step on one.... you just never know exactly when.
           =>  It is the adult version of "The ground is covered in lava" <= haha
  6. Catching a fly out of the corner of your eye. Yes, most of them actually look like legit bugs. So seeing something like this in the dark or at a quick glance... is frightening...trust me.
  7. Vacuuming. It is a task. To say the least. There are materials everywhere on the floor (they fall to the ground by accident) but you have to pick them up. But those the materials you can't easily see you must also, then take your hand and try to make sure you aren't going to vacuum up a gigantic hook, any split shot or any weighted "eye."  #ItTakesForever
       >>>Oh, if you miss something on the ground and your vacuum finds it... I hope it doesn't break it. Lol

  8. This is probably the worst of all problems:

          The moment when you pick up something and there is a small feather or a fuzzy that flies up into the air or that attaches it's self to the object you are picking up. The only probable thing I can ever think of it being is: It is a gigantic spider or a roach of some sort. Therefor my natural feminine reaction (for whatever dumb reason) is to jump or screech. It is precious.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent about the goofiness of dating a fly tier/tyer ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How to be happy..?

Quick question:

Who tells you how to be happy?

Ten to one you listen to every {stupid} thing society says. We live in a world that tells us:
what pretty looks like, how shitty relationships are "supposed" to be, how we are supposed to treat people... on and on. ->>If you think about it, really hard. Chances are that you were once in a situation that caused you stress, sadness or worry and chances are you didn't listen to your heart.... you listened to your friend {who had never been in a situation like that}. Prepare yourself for a mini rant & a life tip.

I suppose this random rant & life tip was inspired by a show I was watching last night. In the show (Popular tv drama: Gossip Girl) the two main characters who are in a relationship, fall in love and then their relationship is tested by society. Soon after the trouble begins, instead of talking through it, explaining things, so both people understand what is going on.... they just beak up. We soon see them start to rekindle their relationship, sexually...aka without talking that much. {<- Good lesson to teach people..?} Soon after that, they decide that, instead of talking about their previous problems... they would be better off  breaking up..again.

The reason I find this so frustrating is #1. Teens & young adults watch this show. Shows like this are EVERYWHERE. Telling society that instead of talking and working through your problems, it is better to call it quits and walk away. And #2. Their decision to break up or stay together is almost solely based on the fact that they can't seem to actually talk out there problems and they are so worried about what others think.

My Rant is over and I will provide my tips to living YOUR life on your own terms.

  • Figure out who & What makes you happy. And don't let it go. If you are in a relationship and you go through some hard times, don't listen to your noisy neighbors. Be YOU. Do what YOU want to. MAKE yourself happy. There is no reason to throw something away just because it doesn't agree with you.

  • If you are in a situation and you think you are supposed to stay there because that is what "society says" well guess what.... Society is screwed up. Again do what makes YOU smile!! {Get away from a bad relationship. Trust me, something much better will come your way.}
    {Get away from negative "friends." Good friends lift you up, they don't tear you down.}
  • If your life has a TON of people who are always trying to give you their opinion & people who YOU feel like, are consistently judging you.... It is time to get new friends. {see point above}
  • If you want something... work for it. Don't give up.
  • Be positive.
     If you are surrounded by a negative situation-> Change it.
     Have crappy (super negative) friends? -> Change them.
    You can change anything. You aren't in jail.
    If you don't like something: Change it.
  • Be your own best judge. Don't let other dictate HOW and who you spend your time with.
In the end, we have to fight for the things we find important.  If you love someone work through your problems. If you hate someone, don't let them have opinion on your life. The solutions to life's problems aren't found in quitting. They are found in fighting and working towards becoming the best version of yourself and loving the process of finding yourself. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Too hot for you?

Summer Fun Tips

How to survive a super hottttt summer.
Most likely, you just spent 7 months complaining about how HORRIBLY cold it was... so when the humidity is at 100% just remember in Febuary you were praying for heat.  
                                                                                               -Thank you.
Naturally upon the first hot day of summer you will consider the following as 3 solid options:
  1. Buy a sweet ass house with a gigantic pool....duh.
  2. Hire someone to pour you drinks...all day long.
  3. Hire a cook >> that way you don't have to prepare ANY meals in a hott kitchen.
However, if you were to decide to have a summer like this, you might end up loosing $200,000.
So, let's come up with some other ideas to keep you cool and save you some mulllahhhh$$
  • Water. It. is. FREE. So drink it, sit in it, play in it...etc.
  • Buy a kiddie pool and place it on your patio/porch. You can choose to sit in it or just put your feet in it-- in order to cool you down. Throw some ice in there if it isn't cold enough.
  • Water Balloons. {aren't that great for the earth but they are fun}
  • Set up a fan...outside. Sounds silly but you can add a breeze to your sweety self with one of these magically devices. Mwahaha.
  • Check out this misting fan.... if you were to buy this, you better chain it to your patio! They are PRICEY!! $$$ >>>Just Kidding! They are like $8.oo #saywhat Mistaway
  • A cooooool TOWEL. Place a cold towel on the back of your neck.
  • Run your wrists under cold water #zerodollarsspent <-- it will help cool your body down.
  • Eat cold & refreshing fruit #lovefruit
  • Have a bucket of water that gets dumped on you every 15 minutes. [[This maybe a tough one... but I am sure you have a friend that would love to dump a bucket of water on your head haha]]
  • Find a river and go swimming! {Be aware of what might be in that river. Don't go swimming with any great whites or alligators lol}
  • Go Fishing! A lot of the time the river, lake or the ocean is a prefect place to find not only water but a breeze! Make sure you bring your fishing rod and a buddy >> Check out some of our adventures/gear Here!
  • Sit in a Hammock... in the shade of course!
  • Splash Pads/Splash pools, seem to be a big thing down south! So try to find one!  Usually they are only for childern though... sorry!
  • By a shade for your patio/ porch... shield yourself from the sun!! Lol
  • Oh did I mention you should drink your WATER.......
  • Get a regular hat or something to cover your head and put it in water... then put it on your head!! YAY! I love doing this lol!

Basically, if you live near a sink, pool or WalMart, you will survive.
Find the water: drink it and use it!

PS- If you have some fun, helpful and creative ideas...PLEASE Share them below!! :)